Effective Study Habits for Long-term Learning

Effective Study Habits for Long-term Learning


I am a self-professed learning nerd. I love learning, and I have always loved it. In fact, I think that’s why I was so good at school—I loved being in a classroom and having someone tell me what to do. But even though I love learning, it’s also true that when it comes to studying habits, I am not always the best student. When it comes to staying focused on my studies over the long haul (and avoiding procrastination), I’ve found that having some simple study habits can go a long way towards improving my results. Here are seven habits that will help you make your study sessions more effective as well:

1. Make a schedule

You should set a realistic schedule and stick to it. It can be tempting to cram all of your classes into one day, but this is not a good idea because it will cause you to burn out quickly. Instead, try scheduling your time in 30-minute chunks so that each class gets its own block of uninterrupted focus time. You’ll find yourself getting more done with less stress when you break up your work into manageable chunks rather than trying to do everything at once or all at once!

2. Build a routine

  • Build a routine
While it’s important to have goals and a plan, you also need to create a routine that will help you reach those goals. For example, if your goal is to learn more in school by studying more often and doing better on tests and quizzes, then your routine might include studying every day for at least 30 minutes (or whatever amount of time works best for you). The key here is consistency–if one day goes by without getting any work done because something came up unexpectedly, don’t worry about it! Just keep going with the rest of your schedule until everything catches up again. If possible though, try not to let this happen too often because then it might become harder than before when working towards reaching those goals again later down the road; so try making sure there aren’t any major distractions during these times so nothing gets in between completing tasks successfully each day as part of building good habits early on in life.”

3. Set aside time to study

  • Set aside time to study.
Setting aside a specific time for studying is important because it allows you to focus on learning and reduces the temptation of getting distracted by other things during your study session. You should also make sure that there are no distractions during this time, such as having friends over or doing other activities that could lead to procrastination (e.g., watching TV). In addition, make sure that when it comes to setting aside time for studying:
  • Don’t study when you’re too tired; take breaks throughout the day if needed!
  • Don’t eat right before starting your assignment–it may make it harder for you to concentrate on what’s being presented in front of you!

4. Work in chunks of time

  • Work in chunks of time
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to study for hours at a time. The human brain gets bored and distracted easily, so it’s always better to take frequent breaks than try and sit down for long stretches of time without any breaks at all. Set yourself a timer, then take 5-10 minute breaks every hour or so; this will help keep you focused on what matters most: learning!

5. Find a quiet space and environment

  • Find a quiet space and environment
Find a quiet place to study that is free of distractions. A space you can control is ideal, as it will allow you to make changes as needed during the learning process. Your workspace should also be comfortable, well lit, and well ventilated so that your body feels relaxed while working on the task at hand.

6. Avoid multi-tasking

Multi-tasking is a myth. It’s impossible to do two things at once, and it’s not even good for you. If you are studying and have a phone, put it away. If you are working and have your phone nearby–even in silent mode–it will still distract you from what needs to be done. In fact, studies show that even when there is no noise coming from our devices (as when they are turned off), they still cause us stress by reminding us of all the other things we could be doing instead of focusing on our current task at hand

7. Reward yourself with breaks and diversions as needed, but not too often or for too long at once!

  • Reward yourself with breaks and diversions as needed, but not too often or for too long at once!
  • Don’t reward yourself too often.
  • Don’t reward yourself for doing things you should be doing anyway (like studying).

You can use these seven habits to make learning more effective

  • You will learn more and retain it longer. When you study effectively, you’ll be able to focus on what you need to learn, rather than getting distracted by other things. This will help ensure that the material stays in your memory for longer periods of time.
  • You’ll be able to use your time efficiently. If you know how much time each task takes and whether it requires additional resources (such as a textbook), then it’s easier to determine which tasks should come first in order for them all not only get done but also get done well within an allotted amount of time–without having any stress about whether or not something might slip through the cracks due to lack of planning ahead!
  • You’ll be able to find the resources needed for each task before starting work on them; this way there won’t be any wasted effort spent searching around later on down the road when there’s no more free space left available inside those mental storage areas where knowledge is stored after being processed into long-term memory storage sites during active learning sessions involving active reading strategies like skimming/highlighting/underlining text passages containing key terms/phrases relevant topics discussed etceteras (etceteras).


We hope this article has been helpful to you. If there’s anything else we can do, please let us know in the comments below!



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