Amazing SAT Prep Tips which will help you Crack the Exam


The SAT is a standardized test designed to measure students’ academic aptitude. The College Board administers the exam, which has two major sections and an optional essay section. While many colleges don’t require applicants to take the SAT, it’s still used by many schools as a factor in admissions because there are no fees associated with taking it.

Taking an SAT practice test at the beginning of your studies can show you how much you already know.

Taking an SAT practice test at the beginning of your studies can show you how much you already know. As you take the first practice test, it is important to look at your score and think about what areas need improvement. If there are some questions that cause you difficulty, then these areas are going to be a focus during your study sessions.

By taking a practice test early on in your preparation for the exam and seeing where your strengths and weaknesses lie, you can start building out a plan for how best to approach studying for this exam.

Know what IS on the SAT and what is NOT on the SAT.

  • Know what IS on the SAT.

The SAT is a multiple-choice test, so you only need to answer questions that are asked. The College Board has no interest in your opinions or preferences; they want to know if you can make sense of the materials they give you.

  • Know what ISN’T on the SAT.

The College Board cannot assess how well you know a subject or how intelligent you are by asking questions about it, so don’t worry about studying material outside of the scope of what’s being tested!

Take advantage of free and low-cost study resources.

Take advantage of free and low-cost study resources.

The College Board offers a number of free resources, including practice tests that can help you get familiar with the exam format and content. The Khan Academy also has SAT prep videos, as well as a comprehensive series of online practice tests. It’s important to note that while these sites are valuable tools in your test preparation arsenal, they aren’t the only ones out there! In addition to the College Board and Khan Academy, other providers offer unique benefits that will help you prepare for the test in different ways:

  • Princeton Review offers online lessons that cover everything from vocabulary building to essay writing; their website also includes practice tests.
  • Magoosh provides interactive learning tools like flashcards and video lessons on grammar rules specific to the SAT (and all things English!).

Get some help with your weaknesses before test day.

Your first step is to identify your weaknesses and then get help with them before test day. You can do this by:

  • Studying with a tutor: If you need help in math or science, consider hiring a tutor to assist you in understanding the concepts.
  • Studying with a study buddy: If you want to practice writing essays or reading passages out loud for one another, then this may be the way for you to go.
  • Taking a class: There are many online courses available from reputable schools that offer SAT prep courses at no cost. These can often lead to impressive score improvements because they provide step-by-step guidance throughout the process of learning key strategies and tips on taking tests like this one!
  • Using a prep course: Global Open Academy offers high quality prep courses which cover all aspects of the exam so there will be no topic left untouched when it comes time for test day! Their online platform allows users from anywhere around world access 24/7 so there isn’t any excuse not too start preparing now!

Make a study plan and stick to it.

A good study plan will help you make sure you have enough time to study for the test. To make a good study plan, you need to know what’s in the SAT and how long it takes to learn everything. You also need to figure out when you’re going to take the test. If there are other things going on at school or work, then this should be taken into account as well

Study plans can be made in several ways such as:

  • Scheduling out specific times each day/week that will be dedicated solely towards SAT prep
  • Creating an outline of topics (i.e., math formulas) with due dates for each topic

Review your work, but don’t dwell on it.

Reviewing your work is important, but it’s also important to remember that the SAT is a timed test. You can only spend so much time on each question before moving on to the next one. Don’t dwell on the questions you got wrong—revisit them later when you have more time.

Don’t try to cram for the SAT.

Trust me, I am telling this from personal experience. SAT is one of those exams in which cramming is basically impossible. You need to train yourself gradually to succeed in this. SAT is all about wiring your brain its not a fact-based exam but a skill-based exam so build your skill set slowly and efficiently.

Stay calm on test day.

  • Stay calm on test day.

Many students have a hard time with the SAT because of nerves, so it’s important to stay calm and collected before you take the exam. If you get too nervous, you might not do as well as you’d planned. Here are some things that can help:

  • Eat a good breakfast—but don’t eat so much that you’re full when it’s time for the test;
  • Drink plenty of water during the morning beforehand (you’ll need to use the bathroom at some point during your break);
  • Wear layers instead of one big bulky coat; they’ll make it easier if you want to take off something warm in case the room is cold or if there is air conditioning;
  • Don’t carry around anything extra with you other than what has been recommended by schools like [name] High School (for example, pens and pencils).

Doing well on standardized tests involves both knowing what the test is like, and having a plan for doing well on it.

As you begin to prepare for your SAT test, you’ll want to know what it will be like. You’ll also need a plan for doing well on it. Here are some tips:

  • Know what the test is like. The best way to do this is by taking sample tests and reviewing the types of questions that appear on standardized tests (for example, reading comprehension, math reasoning and science).
  • Get some help with your weaknesses before test day. This will give you more time later in life when studying isn’t as important or as accessible as it might be now.
  • Make a study plan and stick to it! A lot of people fail at this step because they don’t know what they’re going to do until right before their first practice exam – so they get stuck thinking about all these topics at once instead of focusing on one thing at a time until they’re perfect at each one before moving onto another area where they need improvement…and then repeating until there are no more weaknesses left over after covering every single topic twice!


I hope these tips help you to do well on your SATs! If you’re still having trouble, there are plenty of other resources out there. You can always try taking some practice tests or studying with friends who have already taken the test and know what it’s like. Good luck!


Amazing SAT Prep Tips which will help you Crack the Exam

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